How To Use New Knowledge to Create Real Change…

Ever wonder why you can seemingly learn something great or gain
some great insight, but then nothing really changes in your life
or your experience?

What then is the role of new knowledge, and what is the process of
turning that knowledge into actual change?

Here’s a quick nugget I recently received from a very close friend
and mentor—Artemis Limpert:

Knowledge alone doesn’t change you…

What it can do is give you new perspectives…

…and a new perspective can allow you to see choices you didn’t see before…

…and then changing your choices can change your life.

So there you have it in a nutshell…new knowledge can give you a new perspective,
which enables you to see new choices, and making new choices creates new results…

…which can change your life…

And here are two resources I’ve enjoyed recently that can make you aware of new ways
to look at things, open up new choices for you…and thereby give you the possibility
of co-creating or co-operating with very different experiences and results in your life…

The first is Guy Finley’s Life of Learning Center.

I’d begin with his Welcome Message here (It’s just a few minutes, but takes you
immediately to “another time and place”…)

The second is Joel Osteen, first recommended to me by some “non-religious” friends
who found his messages—–including audio, on TV, and in print—–both relevant
and impactful to their daily lives.

As I was driving back from dropping my oldest daughter off at a friend’s to help with
her horses on Memorial Day, I listened to a few minutes of a recent podcast
(you can subscribe to these for free at here) and was struck by
this shift in perspective:

Everything is not happening TO you, it’s happening FOR you…

Think about that one for a minute.

Everything is not happening TO you, it’s happening FOR you.

Then as you enjoy these and other resources, ask yourself what shifts in perspective
they give you, and what new choices you can make as a result that can change your experience…

…and your life.

Let me know your own experiences, shifts in perspective, and new choices and results in
your comments below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

4 thoughts on “How To Use New Knowledge to Create Real Change…”

  1. Thanks Ben I look forward to seeing you in Dallas next week. Today however was a reflective day and I had a side ways slide in my thinking.
    I have had the privilige of connecting with many of the great resources and Jeff, Anthony Robbins, Artemis, You and the power of our team to mention a few, somewhere along today I was so fustratd that “others” seem to get their “it” and mine seems to be running lose on its own. Your email today reminded me we are all on our own journey and that everything is for a reason even a misprecieved delay. No thing is ever wasted nor is any situation in error only our perspective.

  2. What a great anchor you came to above, Dorothy–Congratulations, and thanks for sharing!

  3. What a great way to see EVERYTHING. In my spiritual practice, I’ve learned that “everything is arranged by God”. In any given moment, no matter what happens, I’ve been practicing saying “is that so?” with no reaction either way to what has been stated. By not being attatched to an outcome, it’s much easier to stay in the flow. “Everything is happening FOR you” is another way of stating that profound principle. Again, GRATITUDE for EVERYTHING
    Thanks You… Another new affirmation to add to the list!

  4. Wonderful, Carolyn–glad you enjoyed this one, and are anchoring such powerful perspectives with gratitude!

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